What “Quiet Quitting” Says about Our Work Culture?

Posted 04/08/2023

3 mins read

There’s nothing wrong with being engaged and loving your job—and that’s when people really tend to hustle. But before the pandemic hit, hustle culture was about the expectation that everyone should be passionate about work regardless of what their work environment was like, or whether they were the right fit for it.


Employers had the upper hand, and that often meant longer hours, lower wages, and an expectation that employees go above and beyond all the time. Burnout was rampant, but nobody wanted to admit to it.


Post-pandemic, it’s been a whole new ball game.


There’s been a lot of talk recently about a new workplace trend: “quiet quitting.” Also known as “acting your wage,” it’s a refusal to put in extra hours and effort that won’t get rewarded. It’s a trend that’s been a part of a larger shift towards a more employee-centric work culture, and it’s been a long time coming.


Just like the term “talent poaching,” quiet quitting is badly named. It’s not really quitting as much as employees refusing to go above and beyond for employers who aren’t doing the same for them. Burnout is no longer a taboo topic, and more people are looking for work-life balance.


This is all great for workers, but it’s also good to remember: actual quitting is a valid option too. Being a good enough employee is fine, but it’s also true that there might be a job out there that you’re truly passionate about. Going above and beyond isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you truly feel engaged with your work.


Just like friends, there are some employers you click with and others you don’t. If you don’t click, it’s okay to move on too.